CrossRef makes research objects easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse.
SCOPUS (Elsevier), officially named SciVerse Scopus, is a bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. It covers nearly 20,500 titles from over 5,000 international publishers, of which 19,500 are peer-reviewed journals in the scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences (including arts and humanities). It is owned by Elsevier. Searches in Scopus incorporate searches of scientific web pages through Scirus, another Elsevier product, as well as patent databases.
Web of Science™ Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) is a new citation index by Thomson Reuters, and now by Clarivate Analytics. ESCI complements the highly selective indexes covers prestigious academic Journals that publish peer-reviewed articles recognized for their significance and contribution to the regional academic and reflects community, which welcomes high-quality research publications to boost its presence as an emerging scientific voice. The ESCI, because of its vast coverage across the science, business, social sciences, arts and humanities, provides access to leading international and regional journals, offer timely publishing, global outlook and high scholarly impact. Inclusion in ESCI provides greater discoverability which leads to measurable citations and more transparency in the selection process.
EBSCOhost is an intuitive online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. With quality databases and search features, EBSCOhost helps researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast. EBSCO has partnered with libraries for more than 70 years by providing quality research content, powerful search technologies and intuitive delivery platforms. EBSCO offers premium content through databases, e-books, journals and magazines, as well as a versatile discovery tool for searching across all library resources. Its content and feature-rich technology platforms serve the needs of researchers at all levels, whether they access EBSCO products at academic institutions, schools, public libraries, hospitals, medical institutions, corporations or government institutions.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia initiated the establishment of the Malaysian Citation Centre (MCC) in 2011. MCC is responsible for collating, monitoring, coordinating and improving the standard of scholarly journal publications in Malaysia. MCC will maintain a citation system, named MyCite or Malaysian Citation Index. MyCite will provide access to bibliographic as well full-text contents of scholarly journals published in Malaysia in the fields of Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences and the Humanities. Besides this, MyCite will provide citation and bibliometric reports on Malaysian researchers, journals and institutions based only on the contents within MyCite. It is estimated that there are over 500 Malaysian journals, the contents of which needs to be made visible globally so that Malaysian researchers can identify expertise, areas of possible collaboration, stimulate use and citations.
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in many countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. RePEc is a central index of economics research, including working papers, articles and software code. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, preprints, journal articles, and software components. The project started in 1997. Its precursor NetEc dates back to 1993.
Sponsored by the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and using its IDEAS database, RePEc provides links to over 1,200,000 full text articles. Most contributions are freely downloadable, but copyright remains with the author or copyright holder. It is among the largest internet repositories of academic material in the world. Leading publishers, such as Elsevier and Springer, have their economics material listed in RePEc. RePEc collaborates with the American Economic Association's EconLit database to provide content from leading universities' working paper or preprint series to EconLit.
EconPapers use the RePEc bibliographic and author data, providing access to the largest collection of online Economics working papers and journal articles. The majority of the full text files are freely available, but some (typically journal articles) require that you or your organization subscribe to the service providing the full text file. EconPapers provides access to RePEc , the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software.
MyJurnal is an online system used by Malaysia Citation Centre (MCC) to collect and index all the Malaysian journals. MyJurnal's main objectives are to increase access to the contents of Malaysian journals to the global community; and improve the visibility of contents, hence, encouraging usage and generating citations to articles published. MyJurnal is provided by the Malaysia Citation Centre, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.
J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. Launched in 2001 by Informatics India Limited, J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online offered by 13,232 Publishers. It presently has a massive database of journal literature, indexed from 47,658 e-journals with links to full text at publisher sites. J-Gate also plans to support online subscription to journals, electronic document delivery, archiving and other related services.
PlumX Metrics are comprehensive, article-level metrics that provide insights beyond traditional citation metrics. PlumX Metrics provide insights into the ways people interact with individual pieces of research output (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and many more) in the online environment. Collectively known as PlumX Metrics, these metrics are divided into five categories to help make sense of the large amount of data involved and enable analysis by comparison. PlumX gathers and collates appropriate research metrics for all types of scholarly research output. In a competitive research landscape, PlumX offers metrics to support your research impact footprint along with analysis to assist in case studies or reporting requirements.
Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004, the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and other scholarly literature, including court opinions and patents.
UDLEDGE was established in 2010 and rapidly became the largest abstract and citation index database in the region. Comprehensive overview of the world's research output for over 600 disciplines of sciences, covering more than 129,000 journal titles, 143,000,000 journal articles and conference proceedings, and 38,000,000 patents in multiple languages from over 67,000 various institutions and publishers worldwide. GATR Journals are now indexed in UDLedge Social Science & Humanities Citation Index (SS&HI),
Index Copernicus International is an international, specialized platform for promoting scientific achievements, as well as supporting national and international collaboration between scientists, publishers of scientific journals and scientific entities. is the premier source for academic employment. Our 18 discipline-focused sites offer comprehensive information about faculty, educational resources, research interests, and professional activities pertinent to institutions of higher education. More than 89% of the top 120 universities (as ranked by US News and World Report) are posting their available higher ed jobs with
The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.
Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 70 scientist from various countries in different disciplines are started SIS with specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. SIS offering academic database services to researcher. It's mainly: citation indexing, analysis, and maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals, books, proceedings and any approved documents SIS maintains academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. SIS focuses on: citation indexing, citation analysis, and maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals.
International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) has been established to promote various domains related to Education and Research around the globe to make it easily accessible and more organized. A Team of Reputed Researchers/Scientists have been working continuously to make it possible. I2OR provides a much desired platform for Researchers, Editors, Publishers and Conference Organizers through its exclusive services viz. Indexing of Research Journals, Listing of National/International Conferences and Quality Research serial publications. I2OR also evaluates Publication Impact Factor (PIF) to set a bench mark for the quality of Serial publications around the world.
The Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. DRJI supply champion has access to global-renowned content in all discipline areas including magazine and journal articles. We advocate, educate, and provide the central resource for indexing. DRJI encourages the participation of all persons, groups, and organizations interested in indexing and related methods of information retrieval.
Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service ( is a society to provide indexing to all types of online and offline journals ( ) to get international visibility of research and also provide impact factor (RIF-Root Impact Factor) to the journal to decide journal visibility in the world of research. Lot of members are giving their service to this society. It is a completely free service to index any journal in the world.
It helps user to find a suitable international journal to publish their work. All indexed journals will be submitted in all search engines, online libraries, social media etc to get more researchers under a single platform
ResearchBib is open access with high standard indexing database for researchers and publishers. Research Bible may freely index journals, research papers, call for papers, research position. Its mission is to build research communities to discover and promote great research resources from around the world and maximize researchers' academic social impacts.
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) is a service that provides access to quality controlled Open Access Journals. The ESJI aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and it will not be limited to particular languages or subject areas. The aim of the ESJI is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact.
Cosmos Foundation was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 100 scientist from various countries in different disciplines are started Cosmos (2010) with specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. We offer academic database services to researcher. We provide impact factor and index of academic journals, books. We maintain academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. Cosmos provides a detailed report of individual journal for further improvement of respective journal overall look up and technical aspect for better Impact Factor.
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF) has been established to promote various platforms related to Academic and Research across the world to make it easily accessible and more organized. IIJIF also evaluates Journal Impact Factor (JIF) to set a benchmark for the quality of Serial publications across the world. Indexing of Journal helps the research to get global excellence. is a platform for academics to share research papers. The company's mission is to accelerate the world's research. Academics use to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. Over 53 million academics have signed up to, adding 19 million papers. attracts over 36 million unique visitors a month. is one of Turkey's leading academic directory sites founded in 2010. Its mission are ensuring that academic publishing develops in accordance with the quality and standards in Turkey, increasing the visibility and using of national academic journals all over the world and also providing widespread and advanced use of a system that enables the management of magazines in electronic environment